Below you can view and download a list of key terminology with research-based definitions, including: interactional competence, interactional practices, etc.
Presentations of August 12
Expanding the communicative approach: Guided Induction
– Luziris Turi
Teaching grammar through the guided analysis of authentic data
– Hélade Scutti Santos
Beyond textbook dialogues: Using guided induction to teach conversational practices such as compliments
– Cristina Giliberti
Teaching and assessing interactional competence: Redesigning the language curriculum
– Maryam Emami
Instructional phases to teach how to do things with words: The case of requests
– Katharina Kley
Teaching intercultural knowledge: Rejecting an invitation and pursuing acceptance
– Kevin García
– Luziris Turi
Teaching grammar through the guided analysis of authentic data
– Hélade Scutti Santos
Beyond textbook dialogues: Using guided induction to teach conversational practices such as compliments
– Cristina Giliberti
Teaching and assessing interactional competence: Redesigning the language curriculum
– Maryam Emami
Instructional phases to teach how to do things with words: The case of requests
– Katharina Kley
Teaching intercultural knowledge: Rejecting an invitation and pursuing acceptance
– Kevin García
Presentations of August 13
Using a language corpus to design classroom activities
– Aymara Boggiano
Developing critical thinking through sociolinguistic analysis of authentic data
– Meng Yeh
Using corpus of spoken Chinese to teach intercultural competence in a medical Chinese course
– Liang Fu
Bringing study abroad data to your classroom
– Naoko Ozaki
Incorporating interactional competence into curriculum design
– Kate White
– Aymara Boggiano
Developing critical thinking through sociolinguistic analysis of authentic data
– Meng Yeh
Using corpus of spoken Chinese to teach intercultural competence in a medical Chinese course
– Liang Fu
Bringing study abroad data to your classroom
– Naoko Ozaki
Incorporating interactional competence into curriculum design
– Kate White
Summer Workshops for L2 Teachers – General Handouts