Part 1. Simona Pekarek Doehler (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland):
1) introduces the concept of interactional competence (IC);
2) discusses why we study and research IC;
3) presents the relevant concerns for exploring IC in second languages;
4) addresses challenges for research-based IC pedagogy in L2 classrooms.
1) introduces the concept of interactional competence (IC);
2) discusses why we study and research IC;
3) presents the relevant concerns for exploring IC in second languages;
4) addresses challenges for research-based IC pedagogy in L2 classrooms.
Part 2. Simona Pekarek Doehler:
1) presents existing empirical research on the development of IC in the L2 in the following areas: turn-taking organization, sequence organization, and preference organization;
2) discusses takeaways from the cumulative existing evidence.
1) presents existing empirical research on the development of IC in the L2 in the following areas: turn-taking organization, sequence organization, and preference organization;
2) discusses takeaways from the cumulative existing evidence.
L2 Interactional Competence: Longitudinal Studies and Their Implications