Deutsch 3 – Unit 2: Gesprochene vs. geschriebene Sprache (Spoken vs. written language)
Deutsch 3 – Unit 3: Kleine Wörter in Gesprächen (Small words in conversations)
Unit 1: Gespräche eröffnen und beenden (Open and finish conversations)
In this module, students learn how to greet and say farewell to others as well as how to open and close telephone conversations.
Unit 2: Ein bisschen mehr sagen und was sagen, wenn man nicht hört oder versteht?
By means of transcripts from authentic conversations, students learn in this module how to expand on a short question-answer sequence and how to indicate that they did not hear or understand what their conversational partner has just said.
Unit 3: Service-Begegnungen (Service encounters)
In this module, students learn what words and phrases to use when buying ice cream or bread as well as how to schedule an appointment at the doctor’s office.
Unit 4: Kurztexte lesen und schreiben (Read and write short texts)
By means of authentic greeting cards, post cards, and job ads, students practice their reading and writing skills and build their vocabulary.
Unit 5: Komplimente und Bitten (Compliments and requests)
In this module, students learn how German language users extend compliments and how they accept compliments. They also learn how to make requests in German.
Unit 6: Sich verabreden (Arrange to meet)
Based on authentic conversations, students learn how to make arrangements in various contexts: face-to-face, over the phone, and via text messaging.
First year German for graduate students – Unit 1: Gesundheit (Health)
In this module on ‘health’ for German for Graduate Students, students use real conversations from people to learn skills such as discussing health apps, discussing advantages/disadvantages, informing a pharmacist about a health issue and purchasing medication.
First year German for graduate students – Unit 2: Globalisierung (globalization)
In this module on globalization for German for Graduate Students, students use real conversations from people to learn skills such as discussing health apps, discussing advantages/disadvantages, informing a pharmacist about a health issue and purchasing medication.