About this workshop
Developing rubrics to assess Interactional Competence (IC) and then applying them to student interaction poses challenges for language teachers in terms of fairness and validity on one hand, and practicality on the other. This workshop aims at getting teachers to discuss these challenges and how they approach them. Part 1 – Discussion of the rubric and its application with a Spanish language sample Part 2 – Analysis of the data and discussion of challenges to use the rubric Part 3 – Faculty’s perspectives and concluding discussion
Time commitment
1 hour
Before you start
1. When assessing your students’ abilities to interact, what aspects of their production do you focus on? How do you weigh the importance of the various aspects in relation to each other?
2. How do you review your students’ oral performance? Do you review a recording? If so, what are the practical concerns you face when scoring their performance?
3. What are the main reasons you see for assessing learners’ interactional abilities?
Workshop videos
Introducing the Rubric and Looking at Interaction Line by Line
This section of the workshop introduces the rubric devised by faculty in CLIC to assess the students’ linguistic and interactional competence. Using this rubric, we then look at a short segment of assessment data from a second semester Spanish course in close line-by-line detail in order to identify aspects of the rubric which work or can be problematized.
Assessment Rubric
Segment 1 Transcription
Segment 2 Transcription