Kevin García Cruz (CLIC, Rice University):
1) introduces and discusses his approach to teaching conversational features in the L2 classroom, which includes: a reflection on language usage in the students’ L1; a contrastive analysis of L1 and L2 conversation closing sequences; an analysis of naturally occurring closing sequences in the L2; opportunities to practice closing sequences in the L2 in writing and speaking; and a translingual/transcultural discussion/reflection;
2) provides examples and feedback from his classes in which this lesson plan was implemented.
1) introduces and discusses his approach to teaching conversational features in the L2 classroom, which includes: a reflection on language usage in the students’ L1; a contrastive analysis of L1 and L2 conversation closing sequences; an analysis of naturally occurring closing sequences in the L2; opportunities to practice closing sequences in the L2 in writing and speaking; and a translingual/transcultural discussion/reflection;
2) provides examples and feedback from his classes in which this lesson plan was implemented.
Learn more about Cruz Sample class
Conversation closings in face-to-face interactions