About this workshop


Dr. Richard Young (University of Wisconsin-Madison) discusses the concept of Interactional Competence (IC), situating it historically among different understandings of competence as have been defined in linguistics, and defining it based upon what language users have to do when interacting with others.

Time commitment

20 minutes

Who Should Attend?

New faculty, language instructors…

Before you start

1. Consider what each of the following mean to you:

a. linguistic competence
b. discourse competence
c. pragmatic competence
d. strategic competence
e. communicative competence

2. What does a language learner need to know in order to become a competence user of a language?

3. As a language teacher, have you applied these understandings to your own instruction? In what ways?

Workshop videos

Historical Overview

In this section, Dr. Young provides an overview of how competence has been characterized in linguistics, including Chomsky’s distinction between ‘competence’ and ‘performance’, Hymes’ development of the notion of “Communicative Competence”, and Canale & Swain’s application of Hymes’ ideas to Second Language Acquisition.


What is interactional competence


What is Interactional Competence

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