Teaching Language Use in Professional Settings
Using corpus of spoken Chinese to teach intercultural competence in a medical Chinese course
In this workshop we discuss: – the needs and challenges of intercultural language teaching; – the use of spoken data in a medical Chinese course; – and the development of a corpus of medical Chinese speech. Download presentation
Interactional Competence for Medical Professions – Chinese
Liang Fu (CLIC, Rice University): 1) shares her approach to a Chinese language course for health professionals (CHIN 319), with an emphasis on interactional competence (IC); 2) explains how the students were guided to discover the interactive features and social
Interactional Competence for Medical Professions – Spanish
Victoria Abad (CLIC, Rice University): 1) showcases the Spanish language course for health professionals, with emphasis on the incorporation of interactional competence (IC); 2) addresses the challenges of introducing IC; 3) guides languages teachers through the process of introducing IC; 4) presents lesson
5th Semester Spanish – Planned vs Unplanned Discourse – A Doctor’s Appointment
Students compare an authentic consultation at the doctor’s office with a similar recording from a Spanish textbook. They are guided to notice and reflect on the features of a spontaneous doctor-patient interaction in order to develop conversational skills that are
5th Semester Spanish – Instructions/Assessments – A Physical Exam
Students examine language use during an authentic doctor-patient interaction. After guided analysis, they compare their findings from the authentic interaction with a role-play. Workshop
6th Semester Chinese – Conversational Features/Sociocultural Elements – A Doctor’s Appointment
Students are guided to explore the lexical, structural and discourse features employed by native speakers in a doctor-patient conversation. In doing so, they develop the understanding of not only the linguistic but also the sociocultural aspects of the language. Workshop