Instructional phases to teach how to do things with words: The case of requests

In this workshop we discuss: – the instructional phases used for teaching IC; – a sample lesson that focused on IC in German; – and how to develop IC-related tasks for the classroom. Download presentation Sample class

Teaching intercultural knowledge: rejecting an invitation and pursuing acceptance

In this workshop we discuss: – the definition of intercultural knowledge; – how this was incorporated into a sample lesson plan in Spanish; – and how to create a lesson focusing on intercultural targets. Download presentation Sample class

Conversation closings in face-to-face interactions

Kevin García Cruz (CLIC, Rice University): 1) introduces and discusses his approach to teaching conversational features in the L2 classroom, which includes: a reflection on language usage in the students’ L1; a contrastive analysis of L1 and L2 conversation closing sequences; an analysis

Expanding Basic Question-Answer Sequences

Katharina Kley (CLIC, Rice University) discusses (1) making students aware that minimal expansions occur in both English and German; (2) having students identify minimal expansions in authentic English and German interactions, and contrast and compare expansions in both languages; and